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Virtual therapy system

SiverFit equipped with latest 3D sensor technology which can automatically track the user’s limb movement while provides exercises for physical rehabilitation, e.g. post stroke, a knee or hip operation, or at any rehabilitation stages. It includes all relevant gross motor skills over time. Patients can use the system as part of their therapy program.


  • A programme for osteoarthritis has been added to the many existing programmes
  • Improvement of exercise series


Please find more information here.

Exercise of vital importance

Exercise is important for rehabilitation and health. The SilverFit exercises can be used for rehabilitation purposes, ADL activities and for encouraging movement in general. The exercises are always based on scientific guidelines and clinical practice.

Games motivate

The continuous feedback on the screen is a source of motivation. The game offers distraction and challenges the user to achieve objectives. Because people immerse themselves in the game, they often turn out to be able to do things which they did not deem themselves capable of in advance. They shift their borders and increase their self-confidence. 

Designed specifically for elderly care

The SilverFit has been developed specifically for elderly care. All exercises can be tailored to the capabilities of the client. The exercises are adjustable in terms of physical movement, cognitive challenge, and vision.

Starting from very low level

A client may already participate from a very low level. Many exercises can be done from a seated position and the client does not have to hold anything. The high-tech camera is able to detect very small movements. 

More than 1 million possibilities

With SilverFit, it is possible to elicit 40 unique movements with more than 30 different visualisations and hundreds of game variations. When you take all different adjustments into account, there are about 1.2 million unique settings in total.

Easy to use 

The SilverFit is easy to use. You can start an exercise with a few mouse clicks. The advisory menu makes it really easy to find the right setting for every participant.

Medical outcomes tracking

It is possible to measure every participant's progress over a period of time. This allows the therapist to document and review the performance of patients over time in an effective way. 

Reviewing performance on video

Participants can record their performance and review these afterwards. This also enables the therapist and patients to view and discuss performance. It is also possible to view a series of video's from different sessions in order to provide insight to the progress made.