- Portable full-band DC-EEG biofeedback system
- Complete system consisting of a 13-channel full-band DC-EEG amplifier, a mobile PC with integrated 15” TFT colour display, software for biofeedback and analysis, keyboard, mouse
- Feedback of the slow cortical potentials (SCP) with online correction of artifacts and eye movements
- EEG biofeedback with frequencies and ratios
- Free choice of frequency band, algorithm and combinations of the two (ratio, arithmecis, correlation, coherence, bicoherence etc.)
- Audio-visual feedback and animation
- Free choice of feedback channel (unipolar, bipolar, source, multi-channel)
- Biofeedback with EMG, ECG and corresponding signals, e.g. heart rate
- Analysis of single session and comparison of multiple sessions
- Patient database with medication and examination calendar, complete documentation of readings
Use and Benefits
- Training of the slow cortical potentials (SCP)
- Standardized, clinically evaluated protocol for SCP biofeedback with automatic online correction of artifacts and eye movements
- Biofeedback training with pulse, temperature, respiration, EMG, pulse curve, GSR
- Full-band DC-EEG and biosignal amplifier
- 24 bit resolution per channel
- Selectable sample rate of 32 to 4,096 sps
- Frequency range of 0 to 1,200 Hz depending on sampling rate
- Power supply via replaceable, rechargeable batteries
- Continuous operation time > 8 h
- Data transmission using optical cable